What is Cow Pie Bingo? Cow Pie Bingo (CPB) is the primary fundraiser for Sober Grad Night (SGN). SGN is a safe, fun, and alcohol and drug free celebration for seniors on graduation night. It is organized by a group of dedicated volunteers with support from our community. Find more info about SGN at www.folsomSGN.com
How does Cow Pie Bingo work? A grid of squares is marked on a field at Zittel Farms with the squares numbered in random order. Your CPB ticket number corresponds to a numbered square. A cow is turned loose on the grid to deposit their “PIE”. The square containing the “PIE” is the grand prize winner of $1,000; the four corner squares will each receive $100. Winners need not be present to win- we will contact you!
How can you support? Seniors are encouraged to buy 10 CPB tickets each. We also strongly encourage freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to buy at least 2 CPB tickets each year, ultimately supporting their own SGN.
When is the Cow Pie Bingo Event? The PIE drops typically around the last weekend of October or first weekend of November. The scheduled date will be announced.
A HUGE thank you to Zittel Farms and Shadow Glen Riding Stables for providing Chico (the cow), corn, oats, pumpkins & the field!

Cow Pie Bingo Ticket
$1,00 Grand Prize
Kristine Hintzman
$100 4-Corner Prizes
Mona Noel
Michelle Toliao
Tamara Snodgrass
Christina Cook
Congratulations to our Winners!
...to all those who bought tickets and helped make SGN possible and memorable for this year's 2025 graduates!


Cow Pie Bingo (CPB) is the primary fundraiser for Sober Grad Night (SGN).
We raised $5,600 for Sober Grad Night 2024 through this incredible fundraiser!
These funds are used for a grad night celebration for the graduating Senior Class. This memorable night could not happen without this event!